Pigeons of Interest
On May 24, we learned that awnings will no longer protect us...
Read on, MacDuff!
(Video at ABCnews.com)
Yes, that is the American C-in-C wiping bird poop off of his jacket.
...with his bare hand.
According to WaPo's snerker-in-chief, Dana Milbank, the errr...deposit...was made "between his 10th and 11th mentions of al-Qaeda"
And it was a particularly al-Qaeda heavy press briefing: a quick search for 'Qaeda' in the transcript yields 28 occurences. But that's nothing. Just the day before, Bush uttered 'al Qaeda' no less than 67 times in a commencement speech to the US Coast Guard Academy.
Coast Guard?! Are you crazy? "On 911, we learned that oceans no longer protect us..."
Yes, that is the American C-in-C wiping bird poop off of his jacket.
...with his bare hand.
According to WaPo's snerker-in-chief, Dana Milbank, the errr...deposit...was made "between his 10th and 11th mentions of al-Qaeda"
And it was a particularly al-Qaeda heavy press briefing: a quick search for 'Qaeda' in the transcript yields 28 occurences. But that's nothing. Just the day before, Bush uttered 'al Qaeda' no less than 67 times in a commencement speech to the US Coast Guard Academy.
Coast Guard?! Are you crazy? "On 911, we learned that oceans no longer protect us..."
Read on, MacDuff!