Thursday, October 06, 2005

Little Britain

Tina Brown has a bit of British dish for us:

"Lance Price, a bitchy number two in the Blair press office, has done a sort of "The Devil Wears Cufflinks" job about life in the spin factory, featuring New Labor aides copulating on a Downing Street sofa and the PM saying uncharacteristically profane things about the Welsh."

Profane things about the Welsh? Wait, wait, it gets better:

"Then there's the impending memoir "DC Confidential," by Sir Christopher Meyer, former ambassador to Washington, who knows a lot of tasty stuff about the days leading up to the invasion of Iraq. Its publication has been heralded by a Web leak that Blair's chief of staff, Jonathan Powell, instructed Meyer to "get up the arse of the White House and stay there" -- which sounds way better than anything we are likely to get from the churchy crew over here. The most substantive of the Brit bunch will probably be the ruminations of Sir Jeremy Greenstock, Blair's man in Iraq in the Paul Bremer days. Greenstock has the subtle intelligence and watchful eye of a Graham Greene narrator. The mere thought of the book already has the British Foreign Office so exercised that Greenstock has decided to postpone it rather than censor it."

Whew! Can I hear a 'bring it on'? I have a Christmas book-list to think about, you know :)


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