Leaving London
In the meantime, here's hoping you're all enjoying the holidays and that you get a good rest while you can. Hope & Onions: Hammer edition (Hammer time?) will be back soon :)
Read on, MacDuff!
'We're desperate. He's the only one who can change this terrible economic model,' says miner Juan Mamani, 45.
'On 18 December we'll crush the traitors who have sold our resources and lied to the people. Morales is our brother and we trust him, but he should beware of not delivering on his promises,' says another miner, dynamite strapped to his helmet.
To correct Bolivia's innumerable wrongs, Morales has pledged to secure indigenous rights by rewriting the constitution in an assembly to convene next summer. 'Indians actively took part in Bolivia's independence in 1825, but were excluded from its foundation, and since then have been second-class citizens. We were condemned to extinction but managed to organise ourselves,' Morales tells The Observer at 4am at the regional coca farmers' headquarters in Cochabamba.
Morales wants to nationalise Bolivia's huge gas reserves, the continent's second largest after Venezuela, currently in the hands of multinational companies. 'We will renegotiate all contracts - they are illegal, since congress has never ratified them,' he says. 'The state will recover the property of its natural resources, but we are open to foreign investment in exchange for a share of the business.'
... the voluminous material on Rove's desk -- including talking points, related briefing materials, and information culled from confidential government personnel files -- involved a different woman: Frances Fragos Townsend, a former senior attorney in the Clinton administration's Justice Department whom President Bush had recently named to be his deputy national security adviser for combating terrorism. [...] According to the accounts of their conversations that Rove and Novak gave to federal investigators, the subject of Valerie Plame came up only after they had finished talking about Townsend.The key? Rove & Novak were scheduled to smear a different woman; they wound up discussing Joe Wilson's wife as an after-smear. Or so the story goes...
[...] Both Novak and Rove have told federal prosecutors that it was Novak who raised Plame's name, with the columnist saying he had heard that "Wilson's wife" had worked for the CIA and had been responsible for having her husband sent on the Niger mission.
"I heard that too," Rove responded, according to published accounts of what Rove told federal investigators of the conversations. Novak's version of what was said has been slightly different. He reportedly has told investigators that Rove's response was something to the effect of, "Oh, you know about it."
Strength - how many oprah magazines can you tear?ROFL...Oprah?! Heterosexual role model? I would kill to find out who those are. Bets on "Tom Cruise" :)
Talent - your choice
Intellectual - answering random questions such as your favorite heterosexual role model
Competition - name that food
"You got Arabic television stations that are constantly just pounding America, you know, saying, `America is fighting Islam. Americans can't stand Muslims. This is a war against a religion'...It's difficult. I mean, their propaganda machine is pretty darn intense. And so we're constantly sending out messages. We're constantly trying to reassure people."--George W. Bush, December 13, 2005
I thought I could illuminate things for people. If people understood what war looks like, they wouldn't want to have any part of it. I also thought that well, if we understood the process of war, why we go to war and how we get there, then we can understand how to disentangle the lead-up to war and use diplomacy and other means to solve problems. So I thought this is a good way to make the world a better place. I haven't given up that idealistic hope.
...door-to-door survey of 988 Iraqi households -- containing 7,868 people in 33 neighborhoods -- selected to provide a representative sampling. Two survey teams gathered detailed information about the date, cause and circumstances of any deaths in the 14.6 months before the invasion and the 17.8 months after it, documenting the fatalities with death certificates in most cases.Still, it has been over a year since The Lancet study came out. I wonder what would happen if the survey was repeated today, with the same methodology and analysis. I'm not dismissing the '30 000' estimate--I just want to clarify where these estimates come from. The 30 000 estimate is gleaned from press-accounts; The Lancet estimate was the result of 'household' surveys. The latter was peer-reviewed.
Faeze Woodville, 44, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Iran and now living in nearby Strafford, Pa., asked why he keeps linking the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to the Iraq war despite no evidence of a direct connection. The president said "9/11 changed my look on foreign policy" and he learned "that if we see a threat we've got to deal with it."
Woodville said in an interview afterward that she felt Bush ducked her question. "He must think we're morons," she said. "There is no link, and he knows it as well as I. And I and others in the audience are insulted that he thinks we don't read, don't think, don't have any opinions."
We cannot walk away from the threat that Iraq's continued possession of weapons of mass destruction constitutes to its region and to the wider world. In the final analysis, disarming Iraq is necessary for the long term security of the world, to the collective interests of our historic allies and, therefore, manifestly it is in the national interest of this country.And now? Well, as Harper responds to the Washington Times' drooly piece about him ("Gift from Canada?"), he doesn't even come close to completely rescinding his earlier support for the invasion:
[...] We in the Canadian Alliance support the American position today on this issue because we share its concerns and its worries about the future of the world if Iraq is left unattended.
On Iraq, while I support the removal of Saddam Hussein and applaud the efforts to establish democracy and freedom in Iraq, I would not commit Canadian troops to that country. I must admit great disappointment at the failure to substantiate pre-war intelligence information regarding Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction.Umm...Stephen? Promise you won't get mad at me? Uh...you still got a little bit of TP stuck to yer shoe.
The agreement had come close to collapsing twice. The Americans threatened to walk out on the penultimate day of the talks – gambling on their ability to entice other countries away from the table too. The bet failed. The Bush administration remained isolated and was given a roasting in the US media. An about-turn was made.Here's how the TorStar described Dion's delight:
The extraordinary antics of the Russians and the Saudis brought about the other moment of high drama. On the final night, the Russian delegate, a classic Soviet-era negotiator with close-cropped hair, pink skin and big glasses, decided he wanted to remind the world that Russia was important too by bringing the talks to a standstill for several hours on procedural grounds.
When a compromise was proposed, the Saudis, past masters at obstructing these talks, instantly objected. Catastrophe was averted when Moscow woke up and issued instructions to agree a face-saving formula.
You could hear the collective sigh of relief when the deal was announced. Margaret Becket, the UK environment secretary, said she was "thrilled", adding "we got everything that we came here to get".
Environment Minister Stéphane Dion appeared positively giddy when, just after dawn on Saturday morning, he banged down his gavel to close the United Nations conference on climate change. Dion's relief and joy were obvious, as he hugged everyone within reach in the massive main hall of Montreal's Palais des congrès, and hundreds of weary delegates from around the world stood and cheered. After two weeks of formal meetings, closed-door consultations, sleepless nights and then, in a final mad dash, more than 48 hours of intense negotiations, he had achieved what he wanted.Why the ecstasy?
All the items on his to-do list as president of the meeting were checked off: He could declare a great victory for the Kyoto Protocol, and the Earth. "We delivered," he told reporters.
Environmentalists, too, were ecstatic. Elizabeth May, executive director of the Sierra Club of Canada, had tears in her eyes, as she praised Dion and "a set of agreements that may well save the planet."
Dirty countries and industries pay; those who are clean collect. The higher the cost of emissions, the greater the incentive to cut pollution and become a seller. One lets developed countries and their businesses earn credits by investing in emissions-cutting projects in developing nations. Poor countries are salivating over an expected flood of technology that will help them to grow in an environmentally sustainable way. Another covers trades between developed countries.The BBC post-mortem includes *cough* mixed reviews:
Delegates also set in motion a plan to let tropical countries earn trading credits for preserving their rainforests. [...] Markets only succeed, though, if pollution limits are tough enough to make emissions expensive. That's why China, Brazil, India and all the poorer developing countries pushed the rich nations hard to start negotiating deep cuts, with a hard deadline.
It's also why environmentalists, while thrilled that pressure from the rest of the world finally forced the United States to accept the "dialogue" agreement, are not concerned it's so vague.
Tony Blair to describe the final agreement as "a vital next step in tackling climate change", and his Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett to hail a "diplomatic triumph". It is why Guy Thompson of the Green Alliance could conclude "this... keeps Kyoto alive and builds momentum towards a legally binding global framework beyond 2012", why Greenpeace International's Bill Hare could declare "the Kyoto Protocol is stronger today than it was two weeks ago", and why Tony Juniper from Friends of the Earth could opine: "This meeting has made a historic agreement which will strengthen global resolve."{For more on China and its growing (self)interest in combatting pollution, please check out this article: "The recent benzene spill in China is opening many citizens eyes to environmental problems in China"--By Jehangir S. Pocha, Probe International.}
[...] The "Annex 1" parties still inside the Kyoto process - in other words, developed nations plus former Soviet bloc states minus the US and Australia - pledged to "initiate a process to consider further commitments for parties included in Annex 1 (i.e. themselves) for the period beyond 2012". They vowed to begin directly, and to finish negotiations soon enough that there is a smooth transition between the date when existing targets expire (2012) and the beginning of this projected second period of commitments. So far, so good. But Kyoto Annex 1 countries account only for about one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions. So what commitments has Montreal wrung from the remainder?
Essentially, a commitment to further talks, an "open and non-binding exchange of views, information and ideas" which "will not open any negotiations leading to new commitments". [...]Europe and Japan win a commitment to further binding targets for those who already have them, while for Kyoto-sceptics and the developing world, the prize is a generalised dialogue which specifically excludes concrete targets. [...] Yes, the Annex 1 parties will talk about further targets and timetables. But in reality many of them have veered spectacularly off the course required to meet their existing targets, never mind future ones. The US, responsible for between one-quarter and one-fifth of global emissions, declines to sup in the same bar.
Crucially, there is little sign that countries like India and China, with their fast-growing economies and fast-rising greenhouse gas emissions, are clamouring to join the post-Kyoto party. As Indian Environment Minister Andimuthu Raja told the BBC: "Our emissions of CO2 are only 3% of the world's total, where we have 17% of the global population. "I do believe that the calls for developing countries to take up G8 abatement commitments... are misplaced, and responsive to agendas other than genuine mitigation of climate change."
A sober assessment of these factors has led to some less up-beat assessments of Montreal. "The signposts are pointing in the right direction, but let's not get too carried away," was the advice of Camilla Toulmin, Director of the International Institute for Environment and Development. "The big industrialising nations must be included in a future binding agreement, but the key to achieving this lies with the rich countries. They must lead by example, fully accept responsibility for creating the problem and produce a substantial development dividend."
The agreement means that a second phase of the Kyoto protocol will now be negotiated so that industrialised countries will have a new set of binding targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions when the first phase of Kyoto ends in 2012.
That is a critically important decision. It sends an important signal to business that carbon constraints are here to stay and makes new investment in low carbon technologies more likely. That, together with the decision in Montreal to adopt a series of rules to implement the Kyoto protocol, including a system of penalties to ensure compliance, means that far from being dead, as sceptics proclaimed barely a year ago, the Kyoto approach is thriving.
[...] In Montreal, global cooperation on climate change has been given a new lease of life. Industrialised countries agreed they needed to go further to address climate change, while developing countries accepted the need to discuss what they can now do.
It was no mean feat for the world to come together without being blocked by the US and its very small band of oil-rich allies. Given the dire lack of movement on future action barely a year ago, this represents an important shift. But it is only a beginning.
For an entire generation of Syrians, the word Canada evoked images so positive they often were expressed in a single impulse: I want to live there. Rich like America, but better, Syrians would gush. A bit cold, maybe, but what is cold when the world's most peaceful nation beckons with life-altering economic hope, absolute human rights and excellent winter coats. Can you get me a visa?
In the better-read quarters of Damascus, however, Canada's star is falling today, thanks to the growing suspicion of Canadian complicity in the tragic saga of tortured Syrian-Canadian Maher Arar. The suspicions are only sharpened by other questions of Canadian involvement in the cases of four other Syrian expats believed to have endured similar treatment in Damascene detention cells. Though conclusions of a Canadian inquiry into the Arar affair remain months away, Syrian human rights activists have seen enough testimony on the Internet to make up their own minds.
"We look at the situation and we don't recognize the Canada we are seeing. It is not a pleasant picture," said Ahmad Fayez Fawaz, president of the Human Rights Association of Syria.
"If Arar is a citizen of Canada, is he not entitled to protection? We know now he is innocent. But even if had done something, Canada had the sovereignty to do the right thing and bring him to Canada for proper investigation. They did the wrong thing ... And sent him to hell."So while people like Louise Arbour make us proud, we still have our moments of shame.
[...] HRAS, the human rights association, raised early alarms upon learning of Arar's detention. Several months later, in early 2003, Maleh said he was contacted by the Canadian Embassy in Damascus and asked to represent Arar. During several meetings with Canadian officials, Maleh said he spelled out the torturous reality of the Palestine Branch facility. He said it was evident the Canadians in Damascus were aware of that reality.
"The Canadians in Damascus knew a lot. They knew everything. From the conversations I had, it was clear they knew about the Palestine Branch and what was happening there," said Maleh.
He has kept no paper trail of those encounters. He cannot recite specific dates, or name the Canadians he met. When asked repeatedly, he insists, "I had several conversations with the Canadians. I talked to them about torture in Syria. "The Canadians knew."
[...] Human rights activists confirm that Syrian interrogators have become more selective in the application of torture. Opposition figures and other political dissidents, though frequently detained, are now rarely subject to the same degree of harsh treatment they once endured, they say. But prisoners with Islamic backgrounds, which now comprise the vast majority of Syria's estimated 2,500 political prisoners, are handled without mercy.
"To this day they use torture, doing whatever they want without limits. But the Islamic prisoners pay the biggest price," said Maleh. "After Sept. 11, this regime believes that if you go to pray at the mosque, automatically you must belong to the Muslim Brotherhood. They are trying to send a message to America, `we are with you.' But a lot of innocent Muslims are paying the price."
John R. Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, criticized Arbour, calling it "inappropriate" for her to choose a Human Rights Day celebration to criticize the United States instead of such rights abusers as Burma, Cuba and Zimbabwe. He also warned that it would undercut his efforts to negotiate formation of a new human rights council that would exclude countries with bad rights records.Gotta love the manufactured outrage over the timing of Arbour's article (on Human Rights Day). And belittling her understanding of American abuses by suggesting that she's reading "nothing more" than news accounts. F-you, Bolton. The UN has no room for bullies like you.
"Today is Human Rights Day. It would be appropriate, I think, for the U.N.'s high commissioner for human rights to talk about the serious human rights problems that exist in the world today," Bolton told reporters. "It is disappointing that she has chosen to talk about press commentary about alleged American conduct. I think the secretary of state has fully and completely addressed the substance of the allegations, so I won't go back into that again other than to reaffirm that the United States does not engage in torture."
He added: "I think it is inappropriate and illegitimate for an international civil servant to second-guess the conduct that we're engaged in in the war on terror, with nothing more as evidence than what she reads in the newspapers."
"Rice is wandering around Europe saying these things," said Caroll Bogert, of Human Rights Watch. "When they whisked the [detainees] out of Romania and Poland, where did they take them? Where are they now? Who are the disappeared?"Let's just hope Bolton doesn't do anything rash. Y'know, like throw a tape-dispenser at somebody and chase them through the halls of a Moscow hotel, shouting epithets.
Ms Bogert said the Bush administration's earlier use of language and its attempt to define torture so narrowly it excluded many extreme interrogation methods, cast doubt on the new pledge to abide by international conventions. "They stretch all these definitions to their most elastic breaking point," she said.
The absolute ban on torture, a cornerstone of the international human rights edifice, is under attack. The principle we once believed to be unassailable - the inherent right to physical integrity and dignity of the person - is becoming a casualty of the so-called war on terror.Bravo, Madame Arbour :) To learn more about Louise Arbour and her work, please check-out this 2004 interview with Carole MacNeil (CBC Sunday). There is also a bio-pic movie, expected to air on CTV in 2006. "Hunt For Justice: The Louise Arbour Story" will recount Arbour's involvement in attempting to bring Bosnian war criminals to justice (starring Wendy Crewson, William Hurt and the guy from the Big Fat Greek Wedding movie).
[...] imminent or clear dangers at times permit limitations on certain rights. The right to be free from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment is not one of these. This right may not be subject to any limitation, anywhere, under any condition. [...] Particularly insidious are moves to water down or question the absolute ban on torture, as well as on cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Governments in several countries are claiming that established rules do not apply anymore: that we live in a changed world. They argue that this justifies a lowering of the bar as to what constitutes permissible treatment of detainees. An illegal interrogation technique, however, remains illegal whatever new description a government might wish to give it.
[...] The trend of seeking "diplomatic assurances" allegedly to overcome the risk of torture is very troubling. The international legal ban on torture prohibits transferring persons - no matter what their crime or suspected activity - to a place where they would be at risk of torture and other ill-treatment (the non-refoulement obligation).
Faced with the option of deporting terrorism suspects and others to countries where the risk of torture is well documented, some governments, in particular in Europe and in North America, purport to overcome that risk by seeking diplomatic assurances that torture and cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment will not be inflicted. There are many reasons to be skeptical about the value of those assurances. If there is no risk of torture in a particular case, they are unnecessary and redundant. If there is a risk, how effective are these assurances likely to be?
But the problem runs deeper. The fact that some governments conclude legally nonbinding agreements with other governments on a matter that is at the core of several legally binding UN instruments threatens to empty international human rights law of its content. Diplomatic assurances create a two-class system among detainees, attempting to provide for a special bilateral protection regime for a selected few and ignoring the systematic torture of other detainees, even though all are entitled to the equal protection of existing UN instruments.
Let me turn to my second concern. An unknown number of "war on terror" detainees are alleged to be held in secret custody in unknown locations. Holding people in secret detention, with the detainee's fate or whereabouts, or the very fact of their detention, undisclosed, amounts to "disappearance," which in and of itself has been found to amount to torture or ill-treatment of the disappeared person or of the families and communities deprived of any information about the missing person. Furthermore, prolonged incommunicado detention or detention in secret places facilitates the perpetration of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. [...] Recourse to torture and degrading treatment exposes those who commit it to civil and criminal responsibility and, arguably, renders them vulnerable to retaliation.
The same four men, including the Liberal leader and prime minister, Paul Martin, and Stephen Harper, the leader of the official opposition Canadian Alliance, are leading the four major parties.Or maybe not. Maybe Anne McIlroy's breaking some news :) Oh! please tell me they're resurrecting the "CRAP" brand! That would be sweet...
Mr Martin, who appeared decisive and capable during his decade as finance minister, has been less sure-footed as the prime minister. He has gained a reputation for dithering over even small decisions and spending tax dollars on any programme that could help him to get re-elected. His party has also been hit by allegations of corruption.Of course, the article is entitled "Cold calling." Get it? Get it? It's cold in Canada! What article about Canada would be complete without this extraordinary insight:
However, voters don't seem quite ready to trust Mr Harper, a brainy Conservative who is battling an image problem. He can come across as angry and intense, and is working hard to appear more likeable.
[...] Both the Liberals and the Canadian Alliance need to win in Ontario to form a government. Canada's most populous province has been solidly Liberal in the past few elections, and the voters there are the ones that most need to be convinced Mr Harper can be trusted. The Canadian Alliance's strongest support is still in western Canada, especially Alberta.
Candidates are having trouble hammering their lawn signs into frozen ground, and are building the possibility of travel delays into their schedules. In the far north, where temperatures have already dipped below -40 degrees Celsius, campaigning is proving particularly difficult at this time of year.Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta run over to the Igloo Depot and beat the rush on block-heaters :)
[US President Bush] signed a top secret presidential finding six days after the 9/11 attacks. It authorized an unprecedented range of covert action, including lethal measures and renditions, disinformation campaigns and cyber attacks against the al Qaeda enemy, according to current and former intelligence officials.We're all too familiar with this process here in Canada. Maher Arar is still seeking justice for what the US (and some Keystone cops-style RCMP bungling) condemned him to in a Syrian hellhole. While Arar was apprehended in JFK/New York airport, Priest describes the more-general CIA approach to rendition: {emphasis mine}
To carry out its mission, the CTC [CIA's Counterterrorism Center] relies on its Rendition Group, made up of case officers, paramilitaries, analysts and psychologists. Their job is to figure out how to snatch someone off a city street, or a remote hillside, or a secluded corner of an airport where local authorities wait. Members of the Rendition Group follow a simple but standard procedure: Dressed head to toe in black, including masks, they blindfold and cut the clothes off their new captives, then administer an enema and sleeping drugs. They outfit detainees in a diaper and jumpsuit for what can be a day-long trip. Their destinations: either a detention facility operated by cooperative countries in the Middle East and Central Asia, including Afghanistan, or one of the CIA's own covert prisons -- referred to in classified documents as "black sites," which at various times have been operated in eight countries, including several in Eastern Europe.Priest's front-page scoop focuses on a German man who was "mistakenly" rendered. Meet Khaled Masri:
Khaled Masri came to the attention of Macedonian authorities on New Year's Eve 2003. Masri, an unemployed father of five living in Ulm, Germany, said he had gone by bus to Macedonia to blow off steam after a spat with his wife. He was taken off a bus at the Tabanovce border crossing by police because his name was similar to that of an associate of a 9/11 hijacker. The police drove him to Skopje, the capital, and put him in a motel room with darkened windows, he said in a recent telephone interview from Germany.So what did they do with this new information? What do you tell Germany, exactly? The CIA and State dept. disagreed on whether or not to inform German authorities about their "mistake." The State dept. wanted to come-clean. In the end, Masri was flown to Albania and released; an Ambassador to Germany was tapped to give the Germans the bad news about what the CIA had done (May 2004). Oh...one more thing: the US Ambassador requested that the Germans keep all of this to themselves, even if/when Masri "went public" with his story. Just how common is this?
The police treated Masri firmly but cordially, asking about his passport, which they insisted was forged, about al Qaeda and about his hometown mosque, he said. When he pressed them to let him go, they displayed their pistols. [...] The director of the [CIA's] al Qaeda unit supported [the rendition] approach. She insisted he was probably a terrorist, and should be imprisoned and interrogated immediately. Others were doubtful. They wanted to wait to see whether the passport was proved fraudulent. Beyond that, there was no evidence Masri was not who he claimed to be -- a German citizen of Arab descent traveling after a disagreement with his wife. The unit's director won the argument. She ordered Masri captured and flown to a CIA prison in Afghanistan.
[...] Masri said his cell in Afghanistan was cold, dirty and in a cellar, with no light and one dirty cover for warmth. The first night he said he was kicked and beaten and warned by an interrogator: "You are here in a country where no one knows about you, in a country where there is no law. If you die, we will bury you, and no one will know." [...] Masri's passport was given to the Office of Technical Services to analyze. By March, OTS had concluded the passport was genuine. The CIA had imprisoned the wrong man.
The CIA inspector general is investigating a growing number of what it calls "erroneous renditions," according to several former and current intelligence officials. One official said about three dozen names fall in that category; others believe it is fewer. The list includes several people whose identities were offered by al Qaeda figures during CIA interrogations, officials said. One turned out to be an innocent college professor who had given the al Qaeda member a bad grade, one official said. "They picked up the wrong people, who had no information. In many, many cases there was only some vague association" with terrorism, one CIA officer said. [...] About a dozen men have been transferred by the CIA to Guantanamo Bay, according to a Washington Post review of military tribunal testimony and other records. Some CIA officials have argued that the facility has become, as one former senior official put it, "a dumping ground" for CIA mistakes.Priest goes on to describe several more cases of 'mistaken identity': Mamdouh Habib, who was rendered to Egypt and tortured (cigarette burns, electric shocks, beatings); Mohamedou Oulad Slahi, a former Canadian resident who was rendered to Jordan and tortured; Muhammad Saad Iqbal Madni who was rendered to Egypt. Madni was actually tossed around several prisons: Indonesia-->Egypt-->Afghanistan-->Guantanamo Bay.
A senior UN official warned today that 90% of the tents given to earthquake survivors in Pakistan are not equipped for the harsh Himalayan winter. Darren Boisvert, the official in charge of distributing shelter in the quake-hit areas, said the tents have not been "winterised". Nearly 420,000 tents have already been given out to survivors, but only 5,000 are fully "winterised", he said. Temperatures in the mountainous regions of Kashmir and the North West Frontier Province have already dropped below freezing and snow has been falling in many areas. Heavier snowstorms are expected over the next few weeks.
Mr Boisvert said that after the earthquake struck on October 8, hundreds of aid organisations brought in thousands of tents to provide shelter, but most of those tents were not adequate for winter use. "Winterised tents are expensive, they are hard to procure, and must be shipped from overseas," he said.
AMY GOODMAN: Last question, and that has to do with your last section of your piece on this composite American Special Forces team, known as the S.M.U., special mission unit, in Syria.
SEYMOUR HERSH: Well, there's more than one. There's many of them. You know, there's more than a handful of these units. Some are in Syria, some are other places. These are combined teams that have been set up, so not any one service isn’t involved. And I think, you know, obviously we think that this government believes that when it comes to a high-value target, you know, a potential al-Qaeda or believed al-Qaeda target, we can do anything we want anywhere in the world. And the world's our playpen. And I can tell you right now, inside the American intelligence community, and I’m talking about high up in the community, there's a great deal of concern about these kind of operations, because our troop go in and do what they do to people they think are Iraqis -- I mean, al-Qaeda. And it's very rough. And they don't clear it with either the State Department or the ambassador in the country or the C.I.A. chief of station. It's a formula for chaos. And it's going on now. And it's been going on for quite a while, many months. And it's a new sort of step-up in the war. And Congress? Do they want to know? I don't think so.
AMY GOODMAN: And the S.M.U.s, where else are they? The special mission units?
SEYMOUR HERSH: In places where we think there's – you know, certainly in Iraq, and other places in the world where we think they can do some good.
AMY GOODMAN: By the way, do you believe that the secret prisons are in Romania and Poland, as Human Rights Watch believes, that the Washington Post won't name, but exposed?
SEYMOUR HERSH: Well, Amy, I’m actually doing some more work on it. But I will tell you this, the C.I.A. prisons are there. There have been prisons, the C.I.A. has run prisons for many, many years around the world. And I’m sure terrible things happen. But that's actually not where the real game is. They're somewhere else.
SEYMOUR HERSH: Other places. I’m -- let me do my reporting, and I promise I’ll publish it, and I promise I’ll come and talk to you about it.
Dion said Ottawa could put $30 million into the project. Dion used strong language to describe the province's plan to generate 350 megawatts of electricity by 2015. "I call it a radical change; I call it a revolution," he said.But here's the rub: "Dion says the $30 million hasn't been approved by Treasury Board. He says he'll try to get that approval before a federal election is called, but he can't make any promises." Oy. Keep up the pressure, Islanders! Make sure whomever you elect commits to getting your cables! The rest of us should do likewise, of course.
Forest company Kruger Inc. has been selected by the Ontario Ministry of Energy to build a 101.2-megawatt wind park valued at some $200-million. The park will be located in Port Alma, south of Chatham, on the shores of Lake Erie, Kruger said yesterday. The project, capable of supplying the equivalent electricity needs of 25,000 homes, is one of a batch of projects for renewable energy approved last week by the Ontario government. Under the contract, Kruger Energy Group, a division of the Quebec-based forest company, will sell the energy to the Ontario Power Authority for 20 years.Well, that's something. But why is it taking us so long? The truth is that Canada is late to the game on wind power. During the last election campaign, the Sierra Club called-out the Liberals in their 'Report Card':
The Liberal promise to make Canada a “world leader” in wind energy is ambitious as Canada is far behind countries like Denmark and Germany. The actual Liberal target of 4,000 megawatts is less than half the NDP wind target.It's true: we are behind. While Germany's made quite a name for themselves on wind power, Spain--whose emissions rose +41.7% from 1990-2003--is aiming to surpass Germany's use of wind-power by the end of this year:
Despite a temporary slowdown in 2005, Spain will see steady wind power growth through the end of the decade as it follows through on plans to reach 20,000 MW by 2010. Meanwhile, Germany continues to face market saturation, resulting in a steady decrease in onshore MW additions from 2005 to 2010, according to EER's European Wind Energy Country Forecast Data, released in November 2005.Wind power is literally sweeping Europe. And yes, I am just that corny :)
[...] A group of smaller wind power markets are entering major growth phases for the first time: Italy, France and Portugal are all seeing MW added increases of over 80% in 2005. In 2005, France is expected to install 250 MW of new wind power capacity, while Italy and Portugal are each expected to add 450 MW by year end.